Welcome to the Taj of Marin online Shopping Cart!

We prefer taking orders over the phone.
It’s easier and quicker. Please call us at 415 459 9555.

Can’t call in your order? Please use our website to order your favorite dishes

Minimum Delivery
Minimum Order Amount = $30 including your Delivery Fee

Delivery Hours
We offer delivery from 5-9 PM.

Your Account
Here you can see and edit your account information and your list of orders.

Shopping Cart
– Shows you what items you are ordering

– After you select your meal order you may checkout here
– Please choose a city
– Please choose pickup or delivery
– Please sign in with your existing account or set up a new account (items with red asterisk are required)

Order multiple quantities
– Use the Cart Contents or the Checkout to add more quantities to your order

Distance Checker
Not if sure your location is within our delivery area? Please use our Distance Checker.