Indian Restaurant | Lotus Cuisine of India | San Rafael, Marin County

Meet Deep Green Champion Lotus Cuisine of India

Lotus Staff

Lotus Staff

Success in the Kitchen, the Community and Environmental Conservation

Established in the heart of downtown San Rafael, Lotus Cuisine of India has set the standard in the Northern Bay Area for not only its superbly delicious and health conscious Indian Cuisine, but for community service and commercial sustainability.

If counted, the number of culinary accolades this establishment has received during its existence could easily occupy all fingers on both your hands and start to trickle down to your toes. We won’t go as far as to name them all but feel free to take a gander on their website. We must emphasize there is more to this restaurant other than the world class North Indian styled menu (also featuring vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options) that has landed it a position in the Pacific Sun’s Best of Marin Hall of Fame.

The photo above exudes a feeling of community and the establishment’s constant generosity supports this notion. For the past ten years, Lotus has provided free Thanksgiving dinners to the less fortunate. No matter how much traffic occurs on this holiday during dinner hours, anyone, no matter what background, can have an opportunity to enjoy a warm, hearty meal.

Green business awards are a common occurrence for Lotus due to its consistent environmentally friendly operations. Notably, they are an MCE Deep Green Champion and contribute 100% renewable energy into the electrical grid. We encourage you to click here to learn more about Lotus’ sustainable business practices and achievements.

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