Indian Restaurant | Lotus Cuisine of India | San Rafael, Marin County

Take the Clean Business Pledge

Proud member of San Rafael Clean Business Program

San Rafael Clean Business Program

Lotus Family of Restaurants are a proud members of the San Rafael Clean Business Program!

Lotus Cuisine of India strives to be an environmentally friendly restaurant. All Lotus Family of Restaurants serve delicious dishes to patrons while caring for the environment. Lotus is a member of various environmental organizations including San Rafael Clean.

San Rafael Clean is an initiative by the City of San Rafael where organizations, businesses and volunteers join together to keep our city clean. Since 2005, they have organized neighborhood cleanups, hosted events about waste reduction, and educated the public about how litter affects the city.

San Rafael Clean invites businesses and organizations to join them.

This will be your pledge upon signing up with SRC:

It’s easy! We encourage you to sign up for the San Rafael Clean Business Program.

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