Do you do fundraising for your school? Then you need to give Lotus a call! We invite you to hold a fundraiser event at Lotus. Not only will you have a great time but 20% of all sales will go straight to your school. For more information please contact Lotus owner Surinder “Pal” Sroa directly.


Dear friends and patrons of Lotus Cuisine of India, Thank you to all who came to free Thanksgiving Dinner last month. Once again we collected donations for our local Marin Community Food Bank. You helped us to collect over $1400 in donations! We thank all of you for your generous support.

Lotus Sponsors Marin Green Drinks

The Lotus Family of Restaurants is now an official sponsor of Marin Green Drinks, a business mixer for promoting green business practices. This monthly social event happens on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  As a certified “Bay Area Green Business” Lotus is quite happy to advocate this event to promote green biz and help protect our…