Where’s the Beef?

Our vegetarian meals are truly so tasty you might not even noticed it, but Lotus does not serve any beef dishes. It’s true, in India cows are considered sacred animals, a tradition that comes from striving to live in harmony with the land. We at Lotus also have this reverence for cows, and so we…


Help Nepal Now!

During the month of May 2015 a portion of proceeds at all three Lotus locations in Marin County will go to Khalsa Aid to pay for food relief for victims of the earthquake in Nepal. We also encourage you to help Nepal but contributing directly to Khalsa Aid online: http://www.khalsaaid.org/ https://www.facebook.com/khalsaaidusa  


Lotus Appetizers

Our cooks work quickly so you’ll never wait too long for your meal. But we still have plenty of appetizers to give you almost instant gratification when you place your order: – Samosas (savory veggies or lamb fried in a chick pea dough) – Pakoras (fritters with veggies, onion or chicken filling) – Aloo Cheese…
