Love is in the Air!

Time flies so quickly. A few days ago we celebrated Christmas and now it’s already the 2nd month of the year. February! What exactly do you have in mind when you hear February? For some it is about Chinese New Year, but for much of the word it is Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day on the…


Lotus Is A Bioneer!

What on Earth is a Bioneer? Lotus sponsors the Bioneers Conference by providing many hundreds of free meals to all the wonderful Bioneers volunteers. So who are these Bioneers? They are a nonprofit organization promoting practical and innovative solutions to global environmental and bio-cultural challenges. Bioneers are social and scientific innovators who recognize and cultivate…


Lotus Is Going Non-GMO

Lotus agrees that you should have the right to know what’s in your food. We support labeling GMO products as such. We hope you will VOTE YES on CA State Proposition 37, the Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods. Here in our Lotus Family of Restaurants we are researching how we to eliminate all the genetically…
